Daniel Rasmus

Affiliate Instructor

Daniel W. Rasmus is the Founder and Principal Analyst at Serious Insights. Dan employs scenario thinking across his analyst practice to create a context for strategic planning, unique perspectives for executives and innovative viewpoints for those seeking to disrupt processes, practices, products, or markets.

His analysis on the future of work has appeared in Harvard Business Review, Strategy+Business, Fast Company, Talent Management, The African Business Review, KMWorld, and dozens of other publications. He is the author of Management by Design, Listening to the Future, Sketches of Spain and Other Poems, as well as other non-fiction and fiction titles. As an internationally recognized speaker, Dan has addressed audiences at Enterprise 2.0, CeBIT, UBTech, The Future of Libraries, KMWorld, SAE International, Silicon Valley Comic Con and Future Trends. He was a delegate to China’s World Cultural Forum in 2012 where he lectured on global collaboration. (Click here for a full list of speaking engagements). Dan created the New World of Work platform at Microsoft, which included the immersive Center for Information Work Experience, a book series from Wiley, and the founding of the Institute for Innovation and Information Productivity. Prior to joining Microsoft, Dan led the Knowledge and Information practice as a Forrester Research Vice President and served as their CKO.

Dan regularly teaches scenario thinking and marketing at the University of Washington. He teaches social media at Bellevue College, where he also served as Visiting Liberal Arts Fellow. Dan attended the University of California at Santa Cruz where he studied creative writing. He received a certificate in Intelligent Systems Engineering from the University of California at Irvine. Dan previously taught strategy and marketing at Pinchot University in Seattle, WA and has guest lectured at the Stevens Institute of Technology, Stanford, and Cranfield University.

ARTICLE: Scenario Planning and Communications: How Does Scenario Planning Apply to Communications jobs?

WHAT IF? Scenario Planning in Your Brain with Daniel Rasmus

ARTICLE: Why Startups Need Scenario Planning