Cohort 12, MCDM, The Washington State History Museum

Where in the world is this workspace located?
Tacoma, Washington
What do you create in this workspace?
DIgital educational experiences like videos, websites and apps based on exhibitions, archives and historical objects/stories.
Who do you create this work for?
The Washington State History Museum
What is a story of one object in this photo that is meaningful for you personally and why?
There’s a man who works at the museum named Curtis, he’s really sweet and one of the few people to visit me in my little basement corner cubicle of the museum, just to say hi. One day he was giving folks a printed-out sheet of paper listing “Curtis’s Commitments”–a sort of code of values that he will strive to live by for the New Year and beyond. I love the idea of announcing your personal set of commitments and values–why not just let people know the best of who you want to be? And after all, it provides accountability. I’m inspired to make my own, too, but erm…I haven’t yet.
What is a story of one object in this photo that is meaningful for you professionally and why?
The Black Washington app is the first app and educational platform dedicated to telling the stories of the Black community in Washington State. I designed and built this app with content from Black historians, scholars, writers, filmmakers, and curators. It’s now being used in school districts across the state and in September, the app won an award and also received another grant to expand and grow the content. I’m proud to have been a part in uncovering hidden histories of the lives and stories of people and places that deserve a contemporary spotlight.
What is one of the best pieces of career advice you’ve ever gotten?
When I turned 40, someone told me I only have a decade or so to “remain relevant.” I decided right then and there that I would put all my energy into trying to stay relevant—to my family, friends, and to the people and creative projects I love. Everything else is irrelevant to me now, and I’ve never been happier.